

Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Lesson 36: Workbook FRIDAY Dictation Review—Part 2   Listen to these sentences and try writing them as best as you can. If you need more time between sentences, simply pause the audio player. https://www.cozygrammar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Week-36-dictation-2.mp3   If you have a friend or an adult who can help you, you can also[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Lesson 36: Workbook THURSDAY Review Activities—Set 2 1. Find these words in the dictionary and write them in syllables: sacrifice, benefit, communicate, credit, patent, acceptance, practical, experiment. Mark the vowels. Cross out any final silent e’s. Then write the whole words again with your new awareness of their spelling. 2.[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Lesson 36: Workbook WEDNESDAY Dictation Review—Part 1   Listen to these sentences and try writing them as best as you can. If you need more time between sentences, simply pause the audio player. https://www.cozygrammar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Week-36-dictation-1.mp3   If you have a friend or an adult who can help you, you can also[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Week 36: Workbook TUESDAY Review Activities—Set 1 1. Write these words in a list: improve, appoint, arrange, equip, amuse, disappoint, excite. Opposite each of these words write the review word formed from it by adding the suffix ment. Notice that in each case the root word is not changed. 2. Write[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Week 36: Workbook MONDAY Gift Words   Take a look at any gift words you may have had from the final tests for the past five weeks. If you’ve found it helpful, try creating a story or your own private pronunciation to help you out. I’ve asked Thomas to give[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Week 35: Workbook FRIDAY Final Test   Listen and write the new words and dictation sentences for this lesson. If you need more time between the words or the sentences, simply pause the audio player. https://www.cozygrammar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Week-35-final-test.mp3   If you have a friend or an adult who can help you, you[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Week 35: Workbook THURSDAY Check the Exercises from Tuesday   If you have any gift words, write out the correct spelling five times. I’ll include the exercises again below, for your reference.   Tuesday’s Exercises 1. Among your new words find those that contain these words: threat, improve, remark, acquaint, construct,[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Week 35: Workbook WEDNESDAY Dictation   Listen to these sentences and try writing them as best as you can. If you need more time between sentences, simply pause the audio player. https://www.cozygrammar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Week-35-dictation.mp3   If you have a friend or an adult who can help you, you can also ask them[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Week 35: Workbook TUESDAY Exercises 1. Among your new words find those that contain these words: threat, improve, remark, acquaint, construct, scarce. Write the new words. 2. Each of these words is singular: submarine, venture, carpenter. Write these words and also the plural form of each. 3. Write sacrifice in syllables.[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Week 35: Workbook MONDAY Pre-Test   Start by listening to David read the new words for this lesson and then trying to spell them as best as you can. If you need more time between words, simply pause the audio player. https://www.cozygrammar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Week-35-new-words.mp3   If you have a friend or an[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Week 34: Workbook FRIDAY Final Test   Listen and write the new words and dictation sentences for this lesson. If you need more time between the words or the sentences, simply pause the audio player. https://www.cozygrammar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Week-34-final-test.mp3   If you have a friend or an adult who can help you, you[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Week 34: Workbook THURSDAY Check the Exercises from Tuesday   If you have any gift words, write out the correct spelling five times. I’ll include the exercises again below, for your reference.   Tuesday’s Exercises 1. Write telegraph and telegram. The first part of these words comes from the Greek[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Week 34: Workbook WEDNESDAY Dictation   Listen to these sentences and try writing them as best as you can. If you need more time between sentences, simply pause the audio player. https://www.cozygrammar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Week-34-dictation.mp3   If you have a friend or an adult who can help you, you can also ask them[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Week 34: Workbook TUESDAY Exercises 1. Write telegraph and telegram. The first part of these words comes from the Greek word meaning “far” or “far off.” Write another familiar word beginning with tele. 2. Write the new words that are the antonyms of encourage and awkward. 3. Write the two[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Week 34: Workbook MONDAY Pre-Test   Start by listening to David read the new words for this lesson and then trying to spell them as best as you can. If you need more time between words, simply pause the audio player. https://www.cozygrammar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Week-34-new-words.mp3   If you have a friend or an[…]


Cozy Grammar’s Free Spelling Course Week 33: Workbook FRIDAY Final Test   Listen and write the new words and dictation sentences for this lesson. If you need more time between the words or the sentences, simply pause the audio player. https://www.cozygrammar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Week-33-final-test.mp3   If you have a friend or an adult who can help you, you[…]