
Gratitude and Grammar

What could be more surprising and helpful than talking about grammar and gratitude? We tend to think of grammar as dry and even lifeless, but properly taught, grammar can be an extraordinary and powerful tool for increasing awareness, unleashing creativity, and fostering true success. Take a peek at this month’s free videos to learn more!

The Power of Pronouns

Despite their humble appearance, pronouns are one of a writer’s most useful tools and can even unleash great comedy. To show you what I mean—and to prepare you for a fun activity with language—take a peek at this month’s free excerpts. Just so you know, you may find yourself laughing!

a secret about adjectives

A Secret About Adjectives

As the year draws to a close, we wanted to offer two video excerpts on adjectives. How to describe the delights of the season vividly and memorably? That’s what both of our videos address. We also have a creative writing exercise and a holiday gift to share. Read on to learn more!

Marie Rackham looking up the stairs in her cozy beach cottage.

What Are Adverbs?

This month we wanted to offer two video excerpts on adverbs and a writing activity. The topic of adverbs can sometimes seem confusing, but as Marie points out, adverbs are simply words that describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. And of these uses, the most important by far is describing verbs. You can see it in the word itself: ad-VERB!

Thomas Hitoshi Pruiksma, standing on Eagle Rock, ready to talk about co-ordinate conjunctions

What Are Conjunctions?

This month we wanted to share a video excerpt from Marie about conjunctions, as well as a companion video from Thomas about clauses. Both videos are set on Marie’s favorite Eagle Rock and give a sense for how the sea and the natural world around Marie’s Cozy Beach Cottage form an important part of Marie’s lessons.