
Lesson Twenty: Interrogative and Demonstrative Pronouns

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 20: Videos Video Summary Thomas explores the use of compound personal pronouns in imperative sentences and then turns to an error that people commonly make with pronouns such as myself. With the help of two clear examples, you will easily be able to avoid this error yourself.[…]

Lesson Nineteen: Compound Personal Pronouns

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 19: Videos Video Summary Thomas explores the Greek etymology of the word persona, taking us into the world of the theater and the drama of everyday life with the help of a special assistant. He also introduces the topic that Marie will be discussing in her video:[…]

Lesson Eighteen: Personal Pronouns

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 18: Videos Video Summary After a reminder regarding the addition of an apostrophe S even with singular nouns ending in S, Thomas explains why the unfamiliar term genitive may at times be more useful than the term possessive. He also shares some helpful examples and then says[…]

Lesson Seventeen: Inflection of Nouns for Possessive or Genitive Case

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 17: Videos Video Summary Thomas explains why he’s been carrying a pillow through the forest all this time. “I wanted to give you a simple image,” he says, “for how the subjective or nominative case and the objective or accusative case in English don’t change or inflect[…]

Lesson Sixteen: Inflection of Nouns for the Objective or Accusative Case

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 16: Videos Video Summary Thomas introduces the idea of the objective case and gives a sentence that contains the three kinds of objects that you’ve studied so far: a direct object, an indirect object, and the object of a preposition. He also illustrates how important the question[…]

Lesson Fifteen: Inflection of Nouns for Subjective or Nominative Case

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 15: Videos Video Summary Thomas introduces the idea of grammatical cases, showing how these concepts aren’t as new to you as they might appear at first. He also introduces an unusual and helpful way to tell the difference between those cases that change the appearance of a[…]

Lesson Fourteen: Inflection of Nouns for Gender

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 14: Videos Video Summary Thomas introduces the idea of grammatical gender, noting that there aren’t many nouns in English that are specific to gender. Other languages, such as Spanish, for example, have many more gendered nouns. However, he also notes that there are times when gender remains[…]

Lesson Thirteen: Inflection of Nouns for Number

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 13: Videos Video Summary Thomas shows us how nouns of address and nouns in apposition are not just nouns that we use all the time, but are also ways of using nouns that open us to new creative possibilities. In particular, with the help of some native,[…]

Lesson Twelve: Nouns of Address & Nouns in Apposition

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 12: Videos Video Summary Thomas takes us to the forest to explore learning to see both individual trees and the forest as a whole. Then he introduces the two more interesting and sophisticated uses of verbs that Marie is going to explore in her video: nouns of[…]

Lesson Eleven: Nouns

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 11: Videos Video Summary Thomas takes a moment to celebrate your progress up to this point and to share the secret of writing a big book. Then he invites you to try a game as you watch Marie continue to analyze sentences. Lesson from Marie Video Summary[…]

Lesson Ten: Compound Complement

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 10: Videos Video Summary Thomas shares a handy trick for identifying objective complements. He also invites you to relax in Marie’s cozy rocking chair to enjoy the birds visiting the bird bath in front of his Cozy Writing Yurt. Lesson from Marie Video Summary “Compound Complement means[…]

Lesson Nine: Objective Complement

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 9: Videos Video Summary Thomas explains why “The flower waterer is I” and “It is I” might sound strange to your ears, and why the alternatives of “The flower waterer is me” and “It is me” are also correct. He also introduces the idea of a balanced[…]

Lesson Eight: Subjective Complement

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 8: Videos Video Summary Thomas introduces the concept of a complement and gives examples of the three different kinds of complements. He also alerts you to a somewhat odd-sounding sentence that he’ll be discussing with you in a later lesson. Stay tuned! Lesson from Marie Video Summary[…]

Lesson Seven: Compound Objects

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 7: Videos Video Summary Thomas shows the power of prepositional phrases in adding additional details to our sentences. He also shows the magic that prepositional phrases can work in poetry and introduces what Marie will be doing in her video for Lesson Seven: bringing the idea of[…]

Lesson Six: Object of the Preposition

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 6: Videos Video Summary Thomas gives another helpful example of how to identify the direct and indirect objects in a sentence and then shares a creative writing activity to try with both of these kinds of objects. He also shows how the tip of imagining a silent TO[…]

Lesson Five: Indirect Object of the Verb

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 5: Videos Video Summary Thomas shares a useful tip for actively engaging your attention and explores the way that attention helps us learn. He also invites you to try both a creative reading activity and a creative writing activity. Lesson from Marie Video Summary “The Indirect Object[…]

Lesson Four: Direct Object of the Verb

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 4: Videos Video Summary Thomas introduces a step-by-step way to start becoming able to analyze any sentence you see. He also reminds you of Marie’s handy trick for determining the different kinds of verbs as a way of preparing for the lesson from Marie. Lesson from Marie[…]

Lesson Three: Compound Subject & Compound Predicate

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 3: Videos Video Summary Thomas explains how to prime your mind for learning new things and reviews the concept of compound sentences in preparation for Marie’s lesson on compound subjects and compound predicates. Lesson from Marie Video Summary “A sentence is divided into two parts: The subject[…]

Lesson Two: Inflection & Classification

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 2: Videos Video Summary Thomas explains how grammar itself is a language—a language that we use to talk about language—and introduces the concept of inflection. He also gives a handy way to remember the meaning of the new term easily. Lesson from Marie Video Summary “Inflection means[…]

Lesson One: Review

The Intermediate Cozy Grammar Course, Level One Lesson 1: Videos Video Summary Before diving into the review of the parts of speech, Thomas gives a helpful image for how to do so productively and joyfully. Lesson from Marie Video Summary “In this lesson we will do a quick review of the parts of speech that[…]